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Monday, January 9, 2017

Freshly Squeezed Whiskey Sours

A tasty concoction of simple ingredients makes a big impact!

My husband and I are big drinkers. Sounds bad I know, but it's true. We love high quality liquor and craft beer (raise your hand if you're a beer-snob too!) But we absolutely HATE going out to get drinks. All I want is a good, strong cocktail and what do I get? A watered-down sugary excuse for a drink, made with cheap liquor and cheap artificially flavored mixes. Four drinks and $50+ later we leave the bar wondering why we didn't get our own ingredients and make better drinks at home!


Please PLEASE don't buy sour mix. Freshly squeezed is the way to go!

 These whiskey sours will not disappoint! Maker's Mark, one of our favorite bourbons, has a robust flavor and goes down smooth. The citrus is bitter and the simple syrup is sweet, taking the edge off the bourbon and making a truly delicious and strong drink.

It took us a long time to master this recipe and find the perfect balance of alcohol, bitterness, and sweetness. Save yourself some money and cheap-liquor headaches and give these a shot. Warning: Try not to go overboard as it is very easy to do with a drink like this. Enjoy!

Freshly Squeezed Whiskey Sours



3 oz freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lime juice
3 oz Maker’s Mark bourbon
½ cup sugar
½ cup water


Add sugar and water to a saucepan and heat on medium-low, stirring frequently until sugar is melted and mixture has a thicker consistency. Set aside and allow to cool completely.

Combine lemon and lime juice with bourbon and 4 oz simple syrup in a shaker filled halfway with ice. Shake vigorously for 10-15 seconds. Strain into lowball glasses over ice and serve.

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